The film industry has been hit very hard by COVID-19. We understand. We work in the industry too. We’re working to help provide a way forward, both on set, in your pocket book, and while at home, through training.

0% Interest deferred payments. No credit check. No new lines of credit.

By partnering with Splitit, we are now able to offer 0% interest deferred payment program. You can keep the cash you need now.

Splitit works by placing a hold on your credit card for the full payment amount. Then as your next payment is due, Splitit will pull from the hold placed on your card. Your balance will automatically be paid off and added to your existing credit card bill.

$500 off wheels.

To provide some added relief, we’re offering $500 off.

Social distance while operating.

The Inertia Wheels are inherently a remote product. By adding the Inertia Wheels to your arsenal, you can increase social distancing on set, which is crucial to both the health and safety of the actors and crew and helps protect the producer’s bottom line.

  • Add distance between crew and cast

  • Hardwire cabling optional to ensure that the wheels will work even in unknown wireless environments.

  • Handheld effect simulator, keep the up-close, handheld look, while keeping far away.

  • Lightweight/plug-and-play by design to keep smaller crews unburdened. Other wheels weigh upwards of 40 lbs, which require more man power for each placement. The Inertia Wheels weigh 12 lbs.

Stuck at home? Become a better operator.

We’re working with Handwheels Run to get simple, muscle-memory-based, training in place.

Virtual Production. We’re ready.

Major productions are already underway utilizing the Inertia Wheels from home in virtual production environments—while sheltering at home. NODO is actively collaborating with virtual productions and software developers to help deploy wheels into virtual production workflows. When you adopt a set of Inertia Wheels you are investing into that world.

We have seen first hand how these new groundbreaking sets bring the same collaborative, tactile engagement that a physical film set. Wheels themselves are the bread and butter of an operator on a virtual set.

Since March 19th, NODO has sent out a half dozen sets of Inertia Wheels to developers, many of them work in virtual productions.