Introducing Trinity & Maxima Support with RDX Adapter

Introducing Trinity & Maxima Support with RDX Adapter

We're excited to be expanding Inertia Wheels integrations to control Arri Trinity and Maxima Gimbals with the new RDX Adapter from NODO. This new tool will open Inertia Wheels up to all kinds of new integrations and innovative possibilities. Here's a quick taste:

Pass off Tilt and Roll to a second operator to author more complex shots with Trinity, or utilize Maxima as a powerful 3-axis stabilized remote head. The options are virtually endless when paired with the flexibility of Inertia Wheels. Plus, our new RDX Adapter uses the built-in radios in the Maxima and Trinity to communicate and control the gimbals wirelessly.

The RDX Adapter is a multi-protocol signal I/O box with its own high-speed ARM processor and custom firmware. RDX stands for "Research and Development of X," which reflects the versatility of the adapter.

"The RDX is emblematic of the development relationship we have with camera operators and cinematographers in the field," explained our founder, Boyd Hobbs. "As Inertia Wheels are the only wheels on the planet with an open API, they have found their way into the hands of cinematographers and operators at the cutting edge of the industry. The RDX is a tool for us to iterate faster in partnership with these innovative artists and technicians."

Customers that purchase RDX Adapters will receive priority customer support and responsive firmware updates to suit their needs. Then, as new use-cases for the RDX adapter are created, these integrations will be made available to all RDX owners—creating an innovation feedback loop.

What's next on the RDX docket? Inspire 2 control.

The RDX features a unique unibody case and a removable plexiglass lid. Exposed headers enable customers to remap inputs and outputs as needed to accomplish different types of signaling necessary for the desired application. Beta RDX Adapters are available now for customers going into production. The official release will be in Q1 of 2022.

Contact us for a custom quote to fit your production needs.